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Innocent titebait :)
added by Magical for Rechiel on 08.03.2021 in 10:14Continue NC for good, forget about him and if you're ever unfortunate enough to run into him again remember that liars and abusive people can turn on the charm like a light switch to manipulate people into getting them where they want them. Forgetting about him and moving on in your life is the best revenge. Going for revenge is just keeping more drama ongoing for them both and you should be the better person out of the three here. That's exactly what he did to you this last time, making you falsely assume he had changed.
added by Querl for Rechiel on 11.03.2021 in 22:51her face is great, her legs and tummy awesome and though still small, her titties seem nice. tummy - I pick righty. lefty's great too, of course Why?
added by Onanism for Rechiel on 05.03.2021 in 09:23now were talkin!!!!
added by Optisys for Rechiel on 04.03.2021 in 22:07Or is asking about it just scare them off and look like a control freak? So... in the early stages of dating, should people go with the flow and see what happens or actually have the discussion for an exclusive relationship? I like the though of whatever happens, happens and let things go naturally, instead of forcing for a commitment.