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Her sexual history is of interest to an SO on the grounds of STD's and on the grounds that our behaviours show our personalities.
added by Nursing for Christina Petchawarath on 28.05.2021 in 20:21Cgghjjjkkgfcbnjgfxnnjhdz.
added by Relztem for Christina Petchawarath on 05.06.2021 in 03:53middle is gorgeous anyway
added by Mangels for Christina Petchawarath on 05.06.2021 in 03:14a spokesmodel for interflora?
added by Virgule for Christina Petchawarath on 31.05.2021 in 17:49they have talked before and he has told me and i was fine with it. Well last night he got on the phone with her, talked to her for about 20 mins....near the end they started telling eachother how much they love eachother. it really crushed me! he says he loves me more than her but what should I do??? last night my fiancee was talking to his ex-girlfriend on the phone.
added by Passage for Christina Petchawarath on 03.06.2021 in 11:35Then it finally comes out that "we had sex multiple times that night, and no we didn't use protection." and then it became 'well we had sex once, but we used protection". Look, you may think we are just a bunch of bitter people but myself and others who are asking you to be cautious have seen a lot of stories like yours come through here that started off with just a kiss. Those stories then progressed to "well we were together but didn't have sex".
added by Honors for Christina Petchawarath on 29.05.2021 in 09:30This is such a long post. I'm still new here and I know that this is a great web for asking advice. Any of you. Thank you so much for reading this.
added by Maskone for Christina Petchawarath on 27.05.2021 in 09:25Would love to tuck in her label!
added by Undutiful for Christina Petchawarath on 03.06.2021 in 10:44You don't want to have children out of wedlock do you? You don't want to have a man never want to marry you do you?