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My first thought upon seeing this picture: "I hope they don't freeze to death."
added by Chiam for Soman on 21.02.2021 in 05:21Nish
added by Roselet for Soman on 27.02.2021 in 02:03Keep it simple.
added by Bestead for Soman on 19.02.2021 in 15:53In fact, more often than not, at least two of us will be on vehemently opposite sides, where one says a man is incredibly attractive, one says he's incredibly not, and the rest are ambivalent. My personal experience seems to echo VelveteenBunny's. I have a couple of very close girlfriends, and never have we all agreed on the attractiveness of a man.
added by Eswitch for Soman on 26.02.2021 in 21:28Why is that my gf always love to say ugly things about me?
added by Scraper for Soman on 18.02.2021 in 20:29Don't worry about your age, 27 is young.
added by Kitting for Soman on 24.02.2021 in 19:03I don't get in my head about her husband but I do about her ONS and the guy she only dated a few times. She asked me about my ONSs and said they didn't bother her but my relationship with my ex W does because the ONSs didn't mean anything to me. I thought that was interesting bc I am the opposite.
added by Coconuco for Soman on 24.02.2021 in 09:07List
added by Showup for Soman on 23.02.2021 in 00:19Right on, she's a looker and what a body, wow! Right is right!