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same girl as
added by Puzzling for Mengisteab on 17.07.2021 in 22:14Tbh I don't really trust her but I do trust my boyfriend and that's the important thing!
added by Monument for Mengisteab on 13.07.2021 in 18:47He told me, "I feel like jumping through the ****ing window right now.(because, he hurt me) You are the best thing that happened to me. He calls me "bro", but I'm not sure why he would sleep with me, if I'm just his bro. We're in a very weird relationship. Every time we're together, the sexual tension is so strong, that he'd get really "happy" down there, and he'd always tell me, this never happened to other girls he's been with. And somehow I can only manage to hurt you. I wish I could give you excuses, I wish I could say I was worried that my grandfather would die, I wish I could say I feel like I should treat women bad cause of the way I saw my father being mistreated and cheated by my mother.. Then, eventually, we became FWB. But I can't. I could never imagine myself hurting you the way I did. We got into a fight once, and he punched me after I slapped his face and he told me, he has never loved someone as much as me, and never ****ed up with someone as much as he fcked me up. But, then, we went on a trip last January, just the two of us, and things got intense - we started "playing" with each other. He told me, he never had anything like this with any other people. I don't know why I love you so much and I can't show it. For about 3 months now.
added by Spouses for Mengisteab on 19.07.2021 in 21:29It isn't about believing him.
added by Northerner for Mengisteab on 13.07.2021 in 21:41Afterwards, you could search with ALL the tags he added, and the picture still didn't show up. I've been thru this with imaginethat. We discussed an unfindable pic which he then thoroughly tagged with link tags.
added by Tama for Mengisteab on 14.07.2021 in 21:23I can't make my feelings known..and he doesn't want to hear them. I do have issues and I don't deny that. I don't feel that I can win. However my main issue is that while I owen them, if I have an issue and I tell him, he ignores it and we end up in a fight. If I don't tell him, he gets annoyed because he knows what's wrong but I 'lie' to him by saying nothing.
added by Malison for Mengisteab on 17.07.2021 in 13:30leela ibt belly arm wooden man sliding glass door
added by Jonell for Mengisteab on 10.07.2021 in 23:02I am very Bi-curious.
added by Tubeman for Mengisteab on 11.07.2021 in 23:02I think that the main problem is that you are not listening to your gut and trying to do anything possible to remain in a state of denial.
added by Convoke for Mengisteab on 14.07.2021 in 05:16Specially if he is 18. Because it makes all the difference in the world whether he is 18, 23, 28, or 33.
added by Sinkage for Mengisteab on 17.07.2021 in 19:59dazzling duo