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Aries 1.
added by Grunter for Melanny on 21.11.2020 in 00:30thanks its a cute brunette girl, db, wearing a gray sweater and pointing to a i love BJs pin
added by Scrunch for Melanny on 24.11.2020 in 05:49Then shoot her a quick text. I say give it a week.
added by Macrocephalic for Melanny on 18.11.2020 in 04:20Did he literally tell you were "uncool"?
added by Yong for Melanny on 19.11.2020 in 05:44the only thing is she has a boyfriend. I asked her for a second chance awhile back. I think she is stringing me along. She has a boyfriend, I should just walk away, but how? we broke up. We both never meant for that to happen. she said, "I can't" we were fooling around with each other and developed feelings for each other. we dated. It would be easy to forget about each other but we work in the same place. we tallk better now. My coworker still has feelings for me. I don't want to be pulled along. Help.
added by Antonio for Melanny on 21.11.2020 in 12:02The no multi frame rule is retarded.
added by Saradoc for Melanny on 20.11.2020 in 18:33Idk what it was that you uploaded that got you banned, but bugging Du/Jack about your uploading privileges is futile; You have to email admin about it, stop polluting pictures. akummins, you only have 5 pictures uploaded. They're not that great either.
added by Dittman for Melanny on 19.11.2020 in 17:59O MY GOD, alien bait is real!!!!! Her face looks like an alien............
added by Zygomaticus for Melanny on 18.11.2020 in 22:16Its all so confusing but i am doing the best I can. What does all this mean? especially wiht these younger guys I guess what i am getting at is IDk what 'dating' is, how to navigate all this stuff, etc. Tell me about how people operate these days! Right now I am just relaxing with all this, taking it all in, just trying to figure everything out and not get too wound up about anything, but its' hard because i have been a wife or SO for so long. nothing? I mean, the last time i actually was on a date, cell phones weren't even invented LOL So obviously sexting is all new to me and the nuances of social media etc.
added by Scottie for Melanny on 20.11.2020 in 22:09If you don't trust someone, ditch 'em before even getting to the marriage part. I'm going to say this one more time.
added by Bouzoukia for Melanny on 18.11.2020 in 13:45especially little lefty davidthecook - another of my favorites.
added by Kashima for Melanny on 18.11.2020 in 01:01انها لا مثيل لها..يمكن قضاء عمر باكمله في وصف جمالها و دلالها و لن توفي حقها..عندما تقابلها مرة واحدة فانها تصبح كالتنفس سهل و بسيط و تلقائي في فعله و لكن ان توقفت عنه لفترة مت..اني اكد كل ما ذكر سابقاً و اكثر فانها اجمل جسم و اطعم شفاه قبلتهم ابداً
added by Helms for Melanny on 22.11.2020 in 05:03These people deserve to be banned from the internets. The only thing that pisses me off, are people that don't know what a paragraph is, and just hit you with a massive wall of text.