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who doesnt?
added by Sleeken for Sofe on 11.09.2021 in 01:06She is just learning how to have adult relationships. There is nothing - repeat, NOTHING - that would indicate she has no integrity. The girl is 17 years old.
added by Candles for Sofe on 16.09.2021 in 04:22And I was so happy that my own mother was never that selfish. The most money to spend on whatever she wanted. Basically, if she was unhappy, everyone in the family was expected to run around and cater to her needs until that changed and if she was extremely happy because she asked everyone else to do stuff they hated, they were expected to keep a smile on their face and not complain regardless. Everything was about her. And there was this weird focus on his mother in the family. There was so many times when they were forced to go camping (even though everyone but her hated it) and they had to all talk about how excited they were for it or she basically flipped out. In his family, the focus was on his mother. She got the best bed to sleep in. It made me realize that in my family, we basically all have equal say, because in his, this wasn't true at all. She chose where they ate out whenever they went to a restaurant, every single time. So and and so forth.