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And I hope to God that you don't allow it because you somehow feel you deserve it. And KMT is right in his prediction---when your boyfriend finds out you cheated (and he will), he'll not only just blame you instead of his friend, but he'll use it as a justification for everything else he does to you.
added by Okafo for Anne Kim on 25.02.2021 in 07:44twosome blonde tall bent knee black matching bikini sunglasses smiling tan lines feet buried in sand dyed hair mismatched blue top striped bottom nailpolish hugging outsidd outdoors beach braces zoom
added by Peregrinations for Anne Kim on 25.02.2021 in 00:40She's lovely, marine! Ah...her again!
added by Tention for Anne Kim on 27.02.2021 in 21:10HI I AM KAV.
added by Meteorolog for Anne Kim on 22.02.2021 in 13:46Not that he intends to drop the fiance or anything like that. I expect he feels that what he has with her and what he wants with you are two different things. It sounds in this case, since he encouraged your advances and told you about his fiance he is letting you know that he isn't about to let something like an engagement get in the way of what you two can share.
added by Wale for Anne Kim on 03.03.2021 in 01:20Great HP OOhhh so cute!
added by Lintech for Anne Kim on 24.02.2021 in 22:05I would like to. I am looking for a partner in life who has similar morals, goals and dreams. I need someone who is honest, easy-going, funny, loyal, adventurous, romantic, cute, athletic and smart.
added by Dawna for Anne Kim on 22.02.2021 in 23:49We only dated long distance for a year before breaking up. But love is more serious. Never the less I replied by letting him know a few things going on in my life & I do love him too. Feelings were strong. Telling me he loves me was a huge thing because he has never done that before.