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I probably wasn't worth the trouble, but since I have more self-esteem than that, I'll go with "we weren't a good match".
added by Ravaging for Sanna Klara on 25.03.2021 in 19:25gap gap gap gap
added by Tupuna for Sanna Klara on 21.03.2021 in 18:13OK, in fairness, if she's known the guy for 2 years, wouldn't she already know if he's a nutjob or not?
added by Blackfeet for Sanna Klara on 25.03.2021 in 11:58JB's a guy and is talking about himself in the third person.
added by Emporia for Sanna Klara on 21.03.2021 in 22:15Looking for fu.
added by Sippers for Sanna Klara on 20.03.2021 in 03:43nice tummy and superb shape on this one
added by Sker for Sanna Klara on 19.03.2021 in 22:40Men can get all kinds of wild ideas when they're just fantasizing, whether it'll ever happen or how they'd actually feel about it or react in the moment is something that would greatly vary because that's when the reality would set in and some men might even lose the nerve, anxiety or performance issues, all kinds of crap.
added by Exhumes for Sanna Klara on 17.03.2021 in 16:35Hikes, simple coffee, an event after dinner time or not around any meal time is what I try to arrange. When things get more serious then the more steady meals and non-free events become more of an option. Anyway, I am traditional and will pay, but I also don't go out of my way to arrange dates that will be expensive or even costly.
added by Feringi for Sanna Klara on 20.03.2021 in 00:16Looks fun & bubbly