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After various unpleasant experiences, I am coming to the conclusion that there are only a minority of decent guys online. A friend had a scary experience of abuse after meeting a guy online. Who knows what his true background was? It's true that these guys could be anybody and how can you tell they are decent? I've tried online dating for a while now. I haven't been on many dates during the past year, just didn't like the guys much and didn't trust most. Most of the guys drag sex into the conversation from message 2. People can move about and hide their backgrounds online. There are plenty of decidedly weird guys online and I've had unpleasant experiences with some of the few I've met, basically concerning whether they were telling me the truth about their backgrounds and previous relationships. Most don't seem to want to know the real person, just whether I'll meet or not (when I hardly know them). He was OK initially.
added by Managee for Eralba on 19.04.2021 in 22:17TruJB costumes bff blonde superhero
added by Martina for Eralba on 17.04.2021 in 11:54The thing is i KNOW all of the answers but i still feel like this and it's BS (I dont connect with guys on that level easily)
added by Whodunit for Eralba on 20.04.2021 in 10:38i pretended that i didnt see, then i casually asked her:"are u good friends with J too?"
added by Shakers for Eralba on 16.04.2021 in 17:16How about asking her about books she reads or her take of current events instead of making banal small talk full of double meanings? How about not going for the thin friend in the pair once in a while? How about talking to a thicker girl?
added by Shiest for Eralba on 17.04.2021 in 17:55Not a hope.
added by Konde for Eralba on 18.04.2021 in 05:24In fact, now I'm feeling insecure. Trying to do my best to be patient and not expect too much so soon. Since the other night's conversation (on Monday), I'm disappointed that things haven't picked up a little.
added by Esp for Eralba on 14.04.2021 in 10:54simple and easy going perso.
added by Drongos for Eralba on 14.04.2021 in 23:50See, that's a little too pessimistic.
added by Bombed for Eralba on 16.04.2021 in 11:01highlights looking down
added by Willism for Eralba on 17.04.2021 in 06:29goog gawd almighty
added by Elle for Eralba on 20.04.2021 in 04:22He is controlling and manipulative and it's just a matter of time before he becomes abusive.
added by Marceau for Eralba on 13.04.2021 in 20:25I think in my state she would be rewuired to ride in a booster seat.LOL Very Cute.