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About a week ago I phoned my g/f (LDR) and she was obviously stressed-out about things (at least partly because of the trip-she's coming out to visit me in a week or so), so of course I tried to get her to tell me about what - she just responded "ohh I think about things too much!..." (I gathered it was 'us' that she was thinking 'too much' about).
added by Dodders for Lina Johanna on 25.04.2021 in 11:55Could it be she;s just scared to admit it to herself?
added by Weeks for Lina Johanna on 21.04.2021 in 21:10I'd be happy to divulge more details. Any thoughts on any of this?
added by Tagalo for Lina Johanna on 27.04.2021 in 07:52Now I'm worried about if he's texting another girl. He's just got a new phone and contact number so I assume he had been giving his new number to contacts. I didn't ask who it was as he has never cheated. Hi, me and my boyfriend have been going out a year nearly. What should I do? He openly leaves his phone with me and he's an honest man who says he's happy with me. However towards the end of the inbox I seen a "kate". I know I should have spoken up but I don't want to appear possessive as we're happy together. However I've never heard of this name before. We are happy and he has said he would hate for anything to happen to us. The other night he was on his phone, I seen there were a few messages in his inbox.
added by Sletten for Lina Johanna on 27.04.2021 in 20:17Telling him to give you more compliments isn't going to make him more attracted to you, which is, at heart, what you actually want. It's a rare guy who seems to be able to do that past the initial externally stimulated stage. What I believe you want is, not for him to just pay you more compliments, but for him to pay attention to the beauty that you possess, like you do for him, and making you not feel taken for granted. I think the fading compliments issue -- which comes up time and time again on these boards -- is just a cover for the deeper issue, that of fading attraction. Even if he obliged by complimenting you more often, it wouldn't work unless he actually meant them.
added by Mystificator for Lina Johanna on 01.05.2021 in 05:22Don't go back plzzzzz Vanessa. Nice girl... Good character... Gonna miss u.
added by Allude for Lina Johanna on 28.04.2021 in 14:58awesome ibt and sexy side shot that chest is perfect.
added by Ashil for Lina Johanna on 27.04.2021 in 21:21always a fire-craker.... perfect combinationsStrongly recommended!!! met her three times now.... beautiful girl, perfect body and amazing skills...
added by Grampus for Lina Johanna on 24.04.2021 in 03:34chill lol you take offense easy.
added by Peacemake for Lina Johanna on 22.04.2021 in 05:45For sure, good call :)
added by Aghori for Lina Johanna on 25.04.2021 in 16:44Amazing...just amazing