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Originally Posted by b_0
added by Wrecky for Helen Margareta on 03.06.2021 in 04:19He had been a big scoffer and judger of cheaters all his life, and felt superior to all of them. He was horrified with himself.
added by Picolin for Helen Margareta on 27.05.2021 in 01:36"I don't know if I'll be tired tomorrow. I know that you don't care if we're just having fun or I'm just looking at you, but I'd rather be refreshed." Her response?
added by Dilly for Helen Margareta on 29.05.2021 in 00:36i rather stay poor than risk hurting him. i know he's been used in the past and it would KILL me for him to think this of me in any way.
added by Noecker for Helen Margareta on 26.05.2021 in 05:14public restroom mirror sitting on sink drink in hand (dih) white dress heels brunette
added by Fastone for Helen Margareta on 01.06.2021 in 14:09Back to the all-star game! (y) Not at home, and can't flag with this dumb-smart phone.
added by Merlinm for Helen Margareta on 31.05.2021 in 03:28Ex: If you are looking for a pic with a bunch of schoolgirls, than you type 'scoolgirl' in search and it gives out all the pics. TY Hey Admin, I know this idea just popped out of nowhere, but could you make a search option in which we can search for pics.
added by Panache for Helen Margareta on 25.05.2021 in 17:25such an innocent face
added by Malakos for Helen Margareta on 26.05.2021 in 20:52If it's not sexual, they think it's harmless, just being like friends, BUT interaction increases and so does the feelings and before they know it, they are hooked, and knee deep into it emotionally. This is the thing about emotinal affairs....they don't usually realize they are in one.
added by Smattering for Helen Margareta on 31.05.2021 in 22:51wicker couch longsleeve zipper rocks
added by Policky for Helen Margareta on 28.05.2021 in 13:36Straight to favorites