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Theroux for Tanikarn escort wrote:
Did you ever think that maybe she has her own standards and thoughts about what she wants in a partner and has every right to try and fulfill them? see the review
Snibbor for Natalisexi escort wrote:
She was an example of what online dating and our dysfunctional dating culture is turning many women into: the serial dater. The type of woman who goes from man-to-man week after week never settling on any one of them because of her unrealistic expectations regarding an instant spark. she is not finding a relationship. She's wasting her time and that of a lot of guys with these 10 second tryouts that go nowhere beyond superficial first impressions. see the review
Diapsida for Bhrzen escort wrote:
Yeah, you're totally right. She'll never find anyone. see the review
Leknarf for Yuchao escort wrote:
Society thanks you for your concern, but I think we'll survive. see the review
Vine for Mei Chan escort wrote:
A perfect example of what I was saying earlier. The dehumanizing effect that our algorithm dating style is having on human relationships. It's called GIGS. What incentive do people have to actually get to know one another when they have 50 or 100 more people in their inbox. see the review
Zenisek for Aghra escort wrote:
They don't have incentive to know people that aren't appealing to them. They have incentive to know the ones that do. Just because the people they do want to know aren't as common doesn't mean they don't exist. People who get a lot of messages will just select the best ones and discard the rest. see the review
Minored for Florentina Rodica escort wrote:
People do not have the humility or the attention spans to actually invest their full attention and getting to know another human being. Yes I said it. A flesh and blood person, not just another number on the long list of potentials. see the review
Xchange for Mumtaas escort wrote:
And you know what? By not giving allowing every single girl in your city a fair "chance" to get to know you, you're just as guilty of the crime you've been bemoaning as anyone else. see the review
Trigonous for Teofila escort wrote:
I get the feeling that you treat all the women you date as just an option. You can call me old-fashioned, but that's not the way I treat my dates. see the review
Paradrop for Nukrai escort wrote:
The concept is not offensive, it's just time consuming and impractical. The notion that you think the natural evolution of society and technology that people are choosing to immerse themselves in willingly isn't expediting things is ludicrous. It's like you're saying "Why does everyone drive cars? Cars can crash sometimes so they're a bad idea. I tried a car once and I didn't like it. Therefore, everyone should have to walk everywhere." see the review
Pettitt for Ehmoud escort wrote:
People know that cars can crash. But the reward of getting somewhere quicker outweighs the minor risk of crashing. Just like the reward of meeting someone you're really attracting to outweighs the risk and expenditure of your time to keep giving your time to people you don't even like. see the review
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