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Quilled for Hunifa escort wrote:
This removes the trolls more quickly and efficiently and preserves everyone's posting privileges and the topical content of our forums. see the review
Tates for Yannik escort wrote:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation! see the review
Promotive for Sejdina escort wrote:
But a couple of things have happend during this time that has really given me a bad heart sinking gut feeling see the review
Flabbergasted for Niuriana escort wrote:
I think deep down inside I legitimately know that it's my own paranoia that's messing with me but I'm not sure what to do with it or how to handle it. I'm not sure I even want to bring something like this up especially if I'm way off base with it. see the review
Shivery for Glennsdotter escort wrote:
Gut feelings should be heeded, but should be checked out rationally, if possible. If rational examination doesn't validate the feeling - but you still feel it - then act on the feeling. Not everything can be verified one way or the other, and then you trust your gut. see the review
Antlia for Nebulosa escort wrote:
Does your current partner know about your past? If not why? see the review
Dup for Ditt Linda escort wrote:
If you look at the latter question, you may not be very happy with the conclusion but i'm sure whatever your gut is telling you matters for a reason. see the review
Purely for Maryleen escort wrote:
I wouldn't trust your gut feelings because your gut feelings have a bad track record. How come it didn't prevent you from being blindsided before? see the review
Metze for Spiridoula escort wrote:
Thank you all for the replies. Valid points. A small update: i did talk with her again and said "i just want to make it clear we're on the same page with boundaries. Im not cool with you having any relationship with Steve given your history. What makes me comfortable is if you go NC with him. Would that be a problem?" And without hesitation she smiled and said it wouldn't be a problem and shes go NC with him. And she reitterated that she was happy i let her know what bothers me as i come first etc.. So it went well. see the review
Hermesa for Yuchao escort wrote:
We calmly discussed it. Im not into telling ppl what to do or checking up on them. Im anti snooping or phone checking. But i told her, if you want ourAnd relationship to be like fwb, then thats fine. You can go hang out with whomever and such and i wont say ome word. But if you want a LTR then i think we need to examine issues like this to see how compatible we are. She was super receptive and said she wouldnt meet with him if it made me uncomfortable. Which is gracious of her. My thing that i wanted advice on was i was thinking of telling her textimg with him made me uncomfortable. Im hoping that would end completely. see the review
Raineth for Huanzhang escort wrote:
*the pretenses of how my gf and Steve met; she was a side piece and he basically treated her like a sex object and manipulated her see the review
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