1 hour |
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It would be a good time for you to extend an invite to meet up.
added by Crean for Etinosa on 07.04.2021 in 07:53I'm wondering if he's the guy. She says he has a girlfriend but I'm still weary of this guy... I'm jealous of her time... She rejected every guy except me because they never compared to this friend. My girlfriend told me about a movie friend she has. I want to be the one talking about how crappy that b grade horror movie was. Her friend is a guy and they go out alone together. I want to see movies with her.. I'm also uncomfortable because she mentioned something about a friend she had a crush on. Infact I'm jealous. I see my girlfriend outside of college 1 day a week if I'm lucky.... They have been doing this before I was in a relationship. They go out every week, sometimes twice a week to see a movie and a bite to eat.
added by Jezrael for Etinosa on 04.04.2021 in 03:57It's really cheesy and ineffective though to write kind of depressing lyrics about yourself and like "broken heart" stuff to try to lure a girl (that's not especially attracted to you) into liking you and feeling sorry for you, correct?
added by Rolls for Etinosa on 08.04.2021 in 02:19But no. Hi all. Then im crying on the phone and hes like- i can;t deal with right now....i'll call ya lata. I'm so upset b/c i was trying so hard to be strong all weekend and not call him, to prove a point, thinking he would come around. I have no idea!!! And i'm thinking to myself as we are arguing, im staying home, too upset to go out and have a good time, i'm on loveshack.org getting advice, and why?? Now, just to refresh your memories, we havn't spoken in almost a week. No contact what-so-ever. For you to say, "hun, i'm sorry, i shouldn;t speak to you that way." Not hard, not a lot to ask. I'm like, alls i was asking for was a dam apology!!! Somebody....what is goin on???? I was hysterical all morning...still am. I want to say, "anthony, we should just go our seperate ways." But then he will use me breraking up w/ him against me, like a grudge, playing poor victim. He calls me this morning. He says the phone works both ways. It is now monday, Day who knows of this argument. He calls me and says, "you have some nerve not calling me all week." After he said that, i then realized in a split second that this entire weekend of NC has accomplisehed nothing. UGGHHH im so frustrated. His pride will not let him see that. Alls he is concerned about is how i could've called him. He just doesnt get it!!
added by Quadrula for Etinosa on 10.04.2021 in 07:41I don't know about you but I would hate to be someone's lifelong rebound.
added by Heretics for Etinosa on 11.04.2021 in 05:25Nice package
added by Exposer for Etinosa on 11.04.2021 in 01:54At the candy is not important the wrapper. Amazing! But how she sucks!!!! She is a Goddess. Great. I spent with this Lady two days. She is the best. The experience won!!!! Sh is not too young, she is really, not so skinny, but, much more important than how this lady knows how to behave with you.
added by Rhudson for Etinosa on 11.04.2021 in 19:23Sometimes the zoom feature is just not necessary.
added by Nedder for Etinosa on 11.04.2021 in 10:45The decision to leave a job without having another lined up doesn't strike me as well thought out but since he does have another source of income it's not completely crazy.
added by Tarde for Etinosa on 09.04.2021 in 15:24I literally feel burning in my head & ears & almost like I don't feel anxiety anymore. I've tried medication this past year probably after I've posted the thread you read about. Just more like a burning feeling in my body. I think what I'm dealing with is some sort of problem affecting my nerves. I just hate that I'd pretty much have to force myself to do things without really enjoying them. And it actually made me feel worse due to the problem I'm dealing with. I thought it was something to do with my brain in general but I had a brain MRI done back in February & that came back normal too. I just feel it's just affecting me because I can't stop thinking about the issue at hand & it affects me from trying to do things I should be doing.
added by Alternance for Etinosa on 04.04.2021 in 23:35bent over db necklace magenta hair
added by Demonstrate for Etinosa on 09.04.2021 in 17:28I replied I dont know. Ill let you know...." "Then asked if I wanted to do dinner tomorrow or sometime this week.
added by Karlton for Etinosa on 11.04.2021 in 04:09Great ass! Oh my, what perfection!